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Written By Sukri on Minggu, 27 Januari 2013 | 02.07




A Thesis
Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of
Sarjana Pendidikan in English Education Department of
Tarbiyah and Teaching Science Faculty of
UIN Alauddin Makassar


Reg. Number: 204011O8026




Name                 : Aswandi
Reg. Number    :  20401108026
Title                 :“The Effectiveness of Using Total Physical Response Method in Learning Imperative Sentence at Second Year Students of SMA Negeri 8 Makassar
Consultant I    : Dra. Hj. Djuwairiah Ahmad M.Pd., M.TESOL.
Consultant II    : H. Erwin Hafid, Lc., M.Th.I, M.Ed.

The objective of this research was to find out the effectiveness of using Total Physical Response Method in learning imperative sentences at second year students of SMA Negeri 8 Makassar.
This research employed quasi-experimental method using two groups pre-test and post-test design. One of the groups treated  as the experimental group and the rest was treated as the control group. There were two variables used in this research: independent variable (the use of Total Physical Response in learning imperative sentence) and dependent variable (the students’ knowledge in learning imperative sentence).
The population of this research was the second year students of SMA Negeri 8 Makassar academic year 2012/2013. There were eight classes and each class consists of 40 students. The total number of population was 320 students. The writer used purposive sampling technique and took 40 students as sample of this research.
This research employed grammar test as the instrument of data collection. The result of this test was used to assess to what extent Total Physical Response can be effective in teach imperative sentence. After several meetings, this research found that the use of Total Physical Response was significantly effective in learning imperative sentence. Based on the findings, the writer concluded that the second year students of SMA Negeri 8 Makassar could be effective their learning by using Total Physical Response. The result of this research w
as (1) the mean score  obtained by students through pre-test of experimental group was 55.35 and pre-test of control group was 51.75 and post-test of experimental group was 78.15 and post-test of control group was 60.65. (2) The t-test value was higher than t-table (15.1>2,021). It means that there was a significant difference between the result of the students’ pre-test and post-test. Therefore, hypothesis H0 was rejected and H1was accepted.


This chapter deals with background, problem statement, objective of the research, significance of the research, the scope of the research, and the difinition of the term.
A.  Background
English is an important language that is used by many people all over the word. English influences many factors in human life, such as in social, culture, politic, economy, etc. It is used extensively as a second language and as an official language throughout the word.
Recently, English as a foreign language has been more and more studied by Indonesian students. It is the first foreign language taught to Indonesian students from elementary to tertiary level. The main goal of English teaching in Indonesian has been designed. Not only for academic purpose but also for the development of scince and technology as a part of program of goverment of Indonesian.
However, it is not so easy for Indonesian learners to understand English. Since it has a number of regulations items. One of them is grammar. As Harmer (1987) stated that, the grammar is the way in which word change them selves and group together to make sentence. Furthermore, grammar is one of the important elements in learning English. The mastery of the grammar becomes very essential in supporting language skill because it can help the learners to learn English more quicklyand efficiently.
       There are some factors sometimes influence the students in learnning such as psychological factors where students are usually ashamed, awkward, clumsy and afraid of speaking English to other people. Besides, cognitive factors as the insufficient of English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and the lack of practice. Those factors are caused the limited situation in which the students can practice their English more frequently.
       Through Total Physical Response Method every students must be active, this method can make the students active in learning imperative sentence. It is one way to increase the students’ effectiveness in learning English. So, learning process in class will be succcessful.
B. Problem Statements
       Based on the previous background, the researcher formulated problems statement as follow:
1.      To what extent is the effectiveness of using Total Physical Response Method in learning imperative sentences at the second year students of Madrasah Aliyah Madani Alauddin Pao-Pao, Gowa Regency?
2.      How the students’ response in learning imperative sentence through using Total Physical Response Method?
C. Research Objective
            The main objectives of this research are:
1.      To find out the effectiveness of using Total Physical Response Method in learning imperative sentences at the second year students of Madrasah Aliyah Madani Alauddin Pao-Pao, Gowa Regency.
2.      To find out the students response in learning imperative sentence through using Total Physical Response Method.
D. Research Significance     
Some significance of this research are:
1.      The result of this research is expected to increase linguistic mastery and students’ acquisition of English.
2.      The result of this research is expected to be an input in improving the quality of English learning, especially in learning imperative sentence.
3.      The result of this research is expected to be a reference for other researchers who are interested to do research on the learning imperative sentence.
E. Research Scope
This researcher is focused on analyzing the effectiveness of using Total Physical Response Method in learning imperative sentence at the second year students of Madrasah Aliyah Madani Alauddin Pao-Pao, Gowa Regency.
F. Operational Defenition of Terms
            The researcher would like to study about “the effectiveness of using Total Phisycal Response Method in learning imperative sentence at the second year students of Madrasah Aliyah Madani Alauddin Pao-Pao, Gowa Regency.” Therefore to make the understanding of this thesis, the researcher would like to explain some defenition and terms:
1.      Total Physical Response
Total Phisycal Response or TPR is a language teaching method built around the coordination of speech and action; it   to teach language through Physical (motor) activity (Richards, 1986).
2.      Learning
According to Bowel and Higard in Akmal (2010), learning refer Imperative sentence to the chance in a subject behavior potential to a given situation brought by the subject repeated experience in that situation provided change can not be explained on the basic or the subject native responses tendencies devices.
3.      Imperative sentence
Imperative sentences are sentences that request the person we are speaking  to do or not to do something. 
Imperative are used, for example, to tell or ask people qhat to do, to make suggestions, to give advice or instructions, to encourage and offer, and to express wishes for people’s welfare (Michael Swan, 1980, 1990).                                           

This chapter deals with previous related research finding, pertinent ideas, resume.
A.  Previous Related Research Findings
1.    Some of the researcher had write down in their books about using total physical respon method in learning imperative sentence. Richard frost (2006: 2) in his paper (Total Physical Respone), he found that TPR is really suitable for beginner levels, but TPR also successfully with intermediate and advanced levels. Total Physical Respone was successfully in teaching  because it was a lot of fun, very memorable, good for kinesthetic, and it can be used in large and small classes.
2.    Total Phisycal Response or usually we brief be TPR is a language teaching method built around the coordination of speech and action; it attempts to teach language through physical (motor) activity (Richards: 1986,87)
3.    The Total Physical Response method is focusing on listening comprehension by considering from observation to how children acquire their mother tongue. A baby spends many months listening to the people around him. The child has the time to try to make sense out of the sounds he hears.
4.    According to Asher, "TPR is based on the premise that the human brain has a biological program for acquiring any natural language on earth - including the sign language of the deaf. The process is visible when we observe how infants internalize their first language. It looks to the way that children learn their native language. Communication between parents and their children combines both verbal and physical aspects. The child responds physically to the speech of their parent. The responses of the child are in turn positively reinforced by the speech of the parent. For many months the child absorbs the language without being able to speak. It is during this period that the internalization and code breaking occurs. After this stage the child is able to reproduce the language spontaneously. With TPR the language teacher tries to mimic this process in class.
5.    Next, David Dickson (2007: 1) in his paper Total Physical Respone, he found that TPR is great for teaching the names of items. He used the real tool to introduce and practice the basic vocabulary. It made the students ofthen know how to use many of the tools, and they’re eager to learn the English names for them.
Based on the previous research finding above, the writer concludes that the use of Total Physical Response (TPR) method in English teaching-learning as a foreign language gives much contribution toward the process of English learning. It may bring the learning process to be more dynamic of interesting as well, because it can be combined with realia, picture, games, and action song.
B.  Some Pertinent Ideas
1.    Definition of Total Physical Response (TPR) Method
TPR is language teaching method built around the coordination of speech and action; it attemps to teach language through physical (motor) activity. Developed by james Asher, a professor of psychology at san jose state university, California, it draws on several tradition, including development psycology, learning theory, and humanistic pedagogy, as well as on language teaching procedures proposed by Harold and Dorothy palmer in 1925. In a developmental sense, Asher sees successful adult second language learning as a parallel process to child first language acquisition. He claims that speech directed to young children concists primarily of commonds, which children respond to physically before they begin to produce verbal responses. Asher feels that adults should recapitulate the processes by which children acquire their native language.
Asher share with the school of humanistic psycology a concern for the role of affective (emotional) factors in language learning. A method that is undemanding in terms of llinguistic production and that involves gamellike movements reduces learner stress, he believes, and creates a positive mood in the learner,  which facillitates learning.
Approach: Theory of language and learning
TPR reflects a grammer-based view of language. Asher states that “most of the grammatical structure of the target language and hundreds of vocabulary items can be learned from the skillful use of the imperative by the instructor” (1977:4). He views the verb, and particularly the verb in the imperatiive, as the central linguistic motif aaround which language use and learning are organized.
Asher sees a stumulus-response view as providing the learning theory underlying language teaching pedagogy. TPR  can also be linked to the “trace theory” of memory in psychology (e.g., katone 1940), which holds that the more often of \r the more intensively a memory connection is traced, the stronger the memory association will be adn themore likely it will be recalled. Retracing can be done verbally (e.g., by rote repetition) and/or in association with motor activity. Combined tracing activities, such as verval rehearsal accompacied by motor activity, hence increase the possiiblity of successful recall.
In addition, asher has elaborated an account of what he feels facilitates or inhibits foreign language learning. For this dimension of his learning theory he draws on three rether influential learning hypotheses:
a.    There exists a specific innate bio-program for language learning, which defines an optimal path for first and second language development.
b.    Brain lateralization defines different learning functions in the left- and right-brain hemispheres.
c.    Stress (an affective filter) intervenes between the act of learning and what is to be learned; the lower the stress, the greater the learning.
Asher sees Total Physical Response as directed to right-brain learning, whereas most second language teaching method are-directed to left child language learner acquires language through motor movement – a right-hemisphere activity. Right-hemisphere activities must occur before the left hemisphere can process languagefor production.
Similarly, the adult should proceed to language mastery through righ-learns. When a suffcient amount of right-hemisphere learning has taken plece, the left hemisphere will be triggered to produce language and to initiate other, more abstract language processes. 
Total Physical Response enjoyed some popularity in the 1970s and 1980s because of jits support by those who emphasize the fole of comprehension in second language acquisition. (1981), for example, regards provision of comprehensible input and reduction of stress as keys to successful language acquisition, and he sees performing physical ations jin the target language as a means of making input comprehensible and minimizing stress. Asher stressed that Total Physical Response should be used in association with other methods and techniques. Indeed, practitioners of TPR typically follow this recommendation, suggesting that for many teachers TPR represents a useful set of techniques and is compatible with other approaches to teaching. TPR pratices therefore may be effective for  resons other than those proposed by Asher and do not necessarily demand commitment to the learning theories used to justify them.
2.    Definition of learning
According to Bowel and Higard in Akmal (2010), learning refer Imperative sentence to the chance in a subject behavior potential to a given situation brought by the subject repeated experience in that situation provided change can not be explained on the basic or the subject native responses tendencies devices.
3.    Definition of imperative sentence
Imperative sentences are sentences that request the person we are speaking  to do or not to do something. Imperative are used, for example, to tell or ask people qhat to do, to make suggestions, to give advice or instructions, to encourage and offer, and to express wishes for people’s welfare (Michael Swan, 1980, 1990).                                                                       


A. Research Design
In this research, the researcher will use true experimental design to find out the effectivenes of using Total Phisycal Response Method in learning imperative sentences. The research design is presented as follow:
     Control Group Pre-Test and Post Test
Notation:         E          = Experimental class
        C         = Controlled class
        O1        = Pre-test
        O2        = Post- test
        X         = Treatment

(Gay, 1981)

B. Research Variables
This research has two variables. They are independent and dependent variable; independent variable is the use of Total Physical Response in learning imperative sentence, and dependent variable is the students’ knowledge in learning imperative sentence.

C. Population and Sample
1.    Population
Population is one of important element on the research. According to Sugiyono, “population is the generalized composed of the object / subject that have curtain qualities and characteristic are determined by the researcher to learn and then draw the conclusion.”( 2011)
The population of this research will be taken from the second grade students of Madrasah Aliyah Madani Alauddin Pao-Pao, Gowa regency, academic year 2012-2013. It consist of 2 class, namely class XI A and XI B that consisted of 63 students.
2.      Sample
Sample is the representative of the population. Sugiyono had stated that, “sample is the part of the number and characteristic that is possessed by the population.” (2011)
            This research will use purposive sampling technique, where the researcher will take one class as a representative of 2 class population. The researches chose the class XI A that consisted of 32 students.
D.    Time and location
                This research was conducted on Juli, 2012. It take the place at the class of the second class. Exactly at a building of Madrasah Aliyah Madani Alauddin Paopao,
Gowa Regency.

E. Research Instrument
            The instrument will be used by the researcher in this research are:
1.    Test of grammer
                        In collecting data, the writer used grammer test. The grammer test was used in pre-test and post-test. The test consists of imperative sentence through the application of Total Physical Respone (TPR).
2.    Questionnaire
Another instrument which was used by the researcher in this research was questionnaires. Arikunto state that questionnaires is a number of written quetion that will be used to get some information from respondents about their personal identification or the things related to themselves. (Arikunto, 2002:128).
The questionnaire is intended to know the effects of the Total Physical Response in learning imperative sentence.

F. Data Collection Procedure
Technique of collecting data in this research are as follow:
1.    Pre-test
The researcher will give the students pre-test in the first meeting. It consists of  explanation about everything which related to the material. It runs for 30-60 minutes.
2.    Treatment
In the treatment, the students will be given imperative sentence through total physical response (TPR), each meeting spent 90 minutes.
3.    Post-test
After doing the entire treatment, the last step will be post-test which is supplyed to the students.

G. Data Analysing Technique
The data collected will be analyzed the t-test, the steps are as follow:
1.    Scoring the students correct answer of pre-test and post-test.

                                                                                                           ( Rosmalasari, 2004)

2.    Classifying the students’ scores using the following scales:
Table 5.
95 – 100
85 – 94
Very Good
75 – 84
65 – 74
Fairly Good
55 – 64
45 – 54
0 – 44
Very Poor

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